I’ve neglected the entries for a little while because things were a bit of a whirl-wind for me. I was named the varsity lacrosse coach for First Flight High School in Kill Devil Hills, NC. This is a big thrill for me and I’ve had a lot of support from friends all over. The lacrosse team just received varsity status meaning this is our inaugural season. I’ve helped with the local youth team for years and I had coached high school teams in the past so I’m really just getting back in to doing what I did for a job for nine years.
I’m being assisted by two great coaches, Sandy Eanes and Mike Konrad. All three of us are from Maryland and they bring a lot of experience to the table. Like me, they are extremely excited to get started.
This inaugural team coincides with the inaugural state playoff season. Lacrosse is now a sanctioned sport in the state of North Carolina which means we will be fighting for a spot in the playoffs. In addition, the state has allowed us to play varsity games outside the state which makes sense since we are closer to teams in Hampton Roads than we are in North Carolina.
As an aside, Washington College, a nationally ranked Division III team from Maryland, is planning to host an NCAA lacrosse game versus Hampden-Sydney here on March 10. To have a real college lacrosse game in our little town is a major coup and I can’t wait to see them come and play.
Hope to see you out there.